Spubber comprises a robust Content Engine and integrated Learning Management System (LMS).
Spublic Library: This is where it all started, a uniquely robust self-publishing system.
Explore Digital Education revolutionized K-12 online learning technology and has been continuosly evolving over the past 20 years, and it connects formal and professional learning through the lifelong Learning Vault.
Workforceable has reinvented professional Learning & Development to create a place where learners can thrive, and employers and employees can meet and grow together, through skill development. We do this by using our innovative system, which links knowledge and skills to career paths and retention programs via its lifelong Learning Vault. Workforceable also makes finding, developing, and retaining safe and skilled employees easy.
Everything Connected to Learning
The Insight Console
The state of your Programs is just a click away.
* This feature is avaible to Pro and Enterprise accounts.
Global view of your Programs at any moment.
Dashboards for detailed review of each critical area.
Deep data visualization.
Powerful Insights
Review of workforce safety and job preparedness.
Retention and Reward Program analysis.
Increases Return on Investment.
Workforce Development & Career Searching
Workforceable has reimagined how learning and workforce development are linked along career pathways. You can now create an organizational chart with a profile for every job title, establish the steppingstones toward them, and recruit candidates in a whole new way.
Gamification is a highly effective tool for engaging learners, and it brings other benefits as well.
Boost learner morale.
Rewards provide incentive to participate.
The data provided can be utilized to determine progress over time toward specific benchmarks, goals, and learning objectives.
Increase sense of personal achievement.
Learning Management System
Spubs are the core of our Content.
The Sections that comprise a Spub can be an individual document or a complete publication, can include whatever materials the author desires: printable activities or worksheets, infographics, presentations, audio/video (individual or a series), etc., and can include Assessments (Tests, Challenges, Evaluations).
Sections can be used to create: Learning Materials, Manuals, Guides, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), etc.
They can be grouped in progression into Courses, which can include a final test and evaluation.
Our content can be accessed with any Internet-connected device (PC, laptop, smart phone, tablet, etc.); no special device or software is required.
Special Features:
Credit people who contribute.
Designate a user as an editor, so they may recommend changes that you can apply to your Spub.
Get comments & suggestions or editorial assistance from other users.
Send Spub invitations/assignments to your users.
Bookmark your favorite Spub Sections.
Create annotations for individual Spub Sections.
Each time you make changes to your own Spubs, backups are made in case you need to refer back to them.
You can use Item Banks for challenging knowledge of various topics, and for gathering evaluation information.
There are three types of Assessment instruments to choose from, depending on the information to be gathered: Tests (normally comprised of questions that have correct responses), Challenges (comprised of multiple guess questions, each correct answer may earn Points for Rewards), and Evaluations (comprised of questions related to personnel evaluation).
Item Banks are filled with questions which are organized by: subject, level and category, and learning objective.
Questions may be constructed in a variety of ways; they can even use images for the question and/or multiple-choice responses.
Questions are selected from Item Banks to compile Assessments.
Knowing where you're at with your learning management programs and how your people are doing is imperative both for ensuring effective outcomes and planning individual learning pathways.
Our system provides in-depth reporting, but we will also assist with any additional needs you may have.
Course Reports provide continuous monitoring of:
Completion and Retention
Learning Vault
Explore Digital Education & Workforceable enable tracking learning, retention, and progress over time:
Content Assignments document the knowledge that has been provided digitally.
Assessment Assignments document what has been learned, connected to objectives.
Evaluations create a continuous record of performance.
The system includes a Media Center where all uploaded files can be found.
More than just the Cloud.
Sometimes the most vital information your people need are files, like your official graphics.
Using the Cloud to store and share files is a great tool, but it's not a very powerful one.
The foundation of Spubber is a simple yet incredibly powerful Digital Asset Management system.
With Spubber, you can:
Use Spubs to create a master record for your digital asset.
Use Sections to separate various versions of the asset.
Upload your file(s) into our cloud.
Control who has access to your asset and when it is available.
Make your asset easy to find by adding it to your Library.
Another critical difference between Spubber and Cloud storage is that Cloud storage accounts are tied to an individual user, so if the person leaves and someone closes their account without first downloading everything, the loss could be devastating, and expensive. But with Spubber, your users are all tied to your Entity account, so if someone leaves, what they created remains and all you have to do is request that we reassign ownership to another one of your users.
1. Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives (or Standards) are sets of subject matter progressions made up of concise statements that are used to clearly describe what learners are expected to know following instruction.
Spubs and Item Bank Questions can be aligned to Learning Objectives.
2. Job Titles
View your Organizational Chart.
Manage Work Instructions
Create sets of step-by-step instructions for specific tasks and assign them to your users.
The Instructions will be available in the App for assigned users.
Set the requirements for each steppingstone to the Job Title.
Previous Job Title(s)
Knowledge & Skills
You can also recruit for a Job Title when needed.
Manage applicants and set their hiring status.
3. Spubs
A Spub is your overall publication. Once created, you can add Sections with included Learning Materials and Assessments.
Align with a Learning Objective Subject so that Assessments may be added to its Sections.
Include in Courses.
Assign to Users.
4. Item Banks
Item Banks are databases of Questions that can be compiled to create various Assessments.
Questions are connected to Learning Objectives.
Include Assessments in Courses.
Assign to Users.
Courses are groups of Spubs, and can include overall Assessments (i.e. Final Test, Evaluation).
Assign to Users.
View progress and generate reports.
Share with other Entities.
Create and manage your own Libraries to organize your Content.
Restrict access by Department and/or User Role.
Assign to Users.
Access Content that has been assigned to you.
Search for Content by keyword or navigate through the Library.
Develop a meaningful rewards program to incentivize your learners.
Offer rewards to Everyone, by Department, or by User Role.
Offering referral rewards can significantly improve candidate quality when recruiting.